Private Lending for Superior Profits. A Secured Alternative to the Stock Market. Earn 12%

Self Direct your IRA / Rule of 72

Welcome to September! Now that summer is over and autumn is descending upon us it’s time to face two realities: the amount of daylight is dwindling and nobody cares as much about your retirement savings as you do.

Have you seen the value of your IRA / 401(k) pension decrease? Does your financial planner have a plan to get you and your hard earned savings through these lean times? Are you ready to use your knowledge and passion fuel your retirement dreams? There has never been a better time to start a Self-Directed IRA through Private Lending. It is time to impose some control and take an even more active position in building your retirement savings.

Property Solutions is a Private for Profit Real Estate investing company specializing in buying, revitalizing and selling single family homes in the Barstow and High Desert area. We use borrowed money from private investors, on a short term bases to fund our properties. These are people from all walks of life who want a more secure and superior investment vehicle.

Did you know you can self direct your IRA secured by real-estate, mortgages/Deeds of Trusts and promissory notes?

Private Lending through a self direct IRA is an incredible way to build wealth in a hurry that most people aren’t aware exists and is unheard of in mainstream middle class America. This is because no one in the financial services business receives a commission. Therefore, no one in the financial services industry is motivated to educate, recommend or present this type of investment opportunity to their customers.

You can still take advantage of tax free or tax differed savings. Our (TPA) Third Party Administrator is Equity Trust Company, Elyria Ohio.

Rule of 72
Are your retirement accounts earning 12% consistently and safely?? The investment rule of 72 tells us that if we take 72 and divide it by the interest rate we are earning, that is the amount of years it will take for our money to double. So at 12% interest your money will double every 6 years. We consistently have opportunities for people to lend money at 12% fixed interest secured by a deed of trust on a house. And many people are doing it with their IRA!

For more information, please contact Stanley Bland or sign up for our FREE Seminar.

FREE Luncheon Seminar
Quigley’s Lenwood, CA
September 25th 6:00 PM
760-252-3927 please calls for reservations.
Seating is limited and will fill up fast.


Seminar Dates

FREE Luncheon Seminar
Quigley's Lenwood
September 25th
6:00 PM

Earn 12% Secured by Real Estate
Hassle-Free, Superior Yields

More Profitable and Safer than the Stock Market

Don't Settle for less.
Come and learn a better return on your loan dollars.